Who Do You Think You Are? How Labels Influence Identity

Who Do You Think You Are? How Labels Influence Identity

Are you a nerd? Maybe you're an athlete or an extrovert. Or perhaps you're a, dare I say it, vegan. When you read all of those words some conception of what those things are popped into your head. You probably have some kind of idea what a "nerd" or an "extrovert" does and tendencies they have. A nerd is someone who is really into a certain type of thing, an extrovert is someone who is very outgoing, and a vegan

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Does A Home Field Advantage Really Exist?

Does A Home Field Advantage Really Exist?

American football season has fully kicked off - pun very much intended - and everyone is glued to their TVs and radios (if those still exist) on Sundays to watch dozens of terrifyingly large men hit each other and move a ball across a 100 yard field. Now I'm not the most interested in sports but I enjoy watching a few games every now and then – if not for

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Out of Control: Perceived Fear of Self-Driving Cars

Out of Control: Perceived Fear of Self-Driving Cars

We are basically living in the future. We have the entire world in our pockets and can communicate with billions of people in a few seconds. We have medical advancements that have substantially increased life expectancy over the past few decades. I can press a button and de

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Nobody Likes Losing: Loss Aversion Explained

Nobody Likes Losing: Loss Aversion Explained

Nobody likes change. This is a fundamental aspect of life that everyone can relate to. When things are shifted from something we're very familiar with to something we're not familiar with, we become uncomfortable. I go more in depth into this a little in a previous post about Nostalgia as well as my post about Stubbornness. Today I'm going to talk about how we hate to

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Why Is The Grass Always Greener?

Why Is The Grass Always Greener?

You're familiar with the phrase, "The grass is always greener on the other side," yes? Well sometimes it can feel like that's actually a true statement. Seeing what other people have and comparing it to what you don't have is almost an everyday ordeal. This is especially true with

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