Conflicting Attitudes and Actions: Cognitive Dissonance Explained

Conflicting Attitudes and Actions: Cognitive Dissonance Explained

Let me paint a picture for you. Someone you know is an avid animal rights enthusiast. They post on social media all sorts of animal rights pictures and information. They talk about how "we're all animals" just about every other conversation with them. Not to mention their huge

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What To Do When Faced With Too Many Options: Choice Overload

What To Do When Faced With Too Many Options: Choice Overload

Do you ever spend half an hour scrolling through Netflix trying to find something new and interesting to watch but then just end up watching the same episodes of Friends you always do? Well it turns out there's actually a psychological phenomenon to explain why we do that!

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Why Do We Do Anything? Operant Conditioning Explained

Why Do We Do Anything? Operant Conditioning Explained

Why do we do what we do? It's really easy and simple, and in fact human behavior is extremely predictable. Have you ever heard of Operant Conditioning? Probably in some Psych class you had to take to graduate or casually at a bar out with friends (if your friends are nerds like myself). Why do we eat pizza or watch Netflix or procrastinate? Well the super simple answ

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Music and Attention

Music and Attention

Music is such a powerful tool and can be a catalyst for anything you can imagine. It can inspire, heal, and transport you to a totally different time and place. Certain songs can make you feel certain things, similar things even to the person who was writing it, or the person who showed it to you. Music is a beautiful way we can communicate with one another our most

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