Which One Are You? Promotion and Prevention Focus

Which One Are You? Promotion and Prevention Focus

If you ask most people, they'll tell you there are two types of people on this earth: one with x quality and one with y quality. There are people who love cats and people who love dogs, people who are masculine and people who are feminine, and people who drink coffee every morning and

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Who Do You Think You Are? How Labels Influence Identity

Who Do You Think You Are? How Labels Influence Identity

Are you a nerd? Maybe you're an athlete or an extrovert. Or perhaps you're a, dare I say it, vegan. When you read all of those words some conception of what those things are popped into your head. You probably have some kind of idea what a "nerd" or an "extrovert" does and tendencies they have. A nerd is someone who is really into a certain type of thing, an extrovert is someone who is very outgoing, and a vegan

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Is Ignorance Really Bliss? The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Is Ignorance Really Bliss? The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Everybody doesn't know something. I would go so far as to say that most people don't know most things. With the vastness of knowledge out there in the world and the universe it's impossible to have intricate knowledge of all things. I'll never know how submarines work, or how planets came to be composed of what they are, or why

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