Is Ignorance Really Bliss? The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Is Ignorance Really Bliss? The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Everybody doesn't know something. I would go so far as to say that most people don't know most things. With the vastness of knowledge out there in the world and the universe it's impossible to have intricate knowledge of all things. I'll never know how submarines work, or how planets came to be composed of what they are, or why

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The Psychology of Hate

The Psychology of Hate

Do you hate anyone? Hate is something that people almost universally attempt to claim to denounce when asked. Hate has always been associated with the wrong side of things and immorality. My evidence for this is a very wise Jedi master who famously said, "…hate leads to the dark side." However those who claim to hate a specific person or a specific group of people often believe

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