Child Development In The Internet Age: Delay Discounting

Child Development In The Internet Age: Delay Discounting

The advent of high-speed internet is one of the most astounding modern inventions of our time. It has exponentially increased the connectivity of human beings across the entire planet, which happens in a matter of seconds. This connection is something we take for granted, as it has become such an integral part of our lives in such a short amount of time. But if you

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Should I Take All My Tests Drunk? State-Dependent Retrieval

Should I Take All My Tests Drunk? State-Dependent Retrieval

The human brain is one of the most fascinating things in the world in my opinion. It handles, creates, determines, and processes literally everything we do. It can do some of the most amazing things we've ever seen. There are certain aspects of the human brain that are truly baffling and interesting. One such phenomenon is

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Why Do We Do Anything? Operant Conditioning Explained

Why Do We Do Anything? Operant Conditioning Explained

Why do we do what we do? It's really easy and simple, and in fact human behavior is extremely predictable. Have you ever heard of Operant Conditioning? Probably in some Psych class you had to take to graduate or casually at a bar out with friends (if your friends are nerds like myself). Why do we eat pizza or watch Netflix or procrastinate? Well the super simple answ

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